Apptoto Integrations

Google Calendar

If you or your business uses Google Calendar™ to track appointments, then you can benefit immediately by using Apptoto to automatically send appointment reminders, confirmations, and follow-ups to your clients.

Finally, a reminder service built specifically for Google Calendar

Our Google Calendar integration is our most supported and used integration. It was the first one we built because we discovered the majority of small businesses choose Google calendar today because it’s reliable and ubiquitous. It’s available on all of your devices and through all of your apps. Apptoto’s Google Calendar integration requires zero plug-ins and installs. Syncing is server to server and happens automatically every hour (and when you visit the Apptoto website). Once you get Apptoto set up, you can continue using Google Calendar through whatever means you prefer and Apptoto will work in the background sending appointment reminders, confirmations, and follow-ups.

Outlook Calendar

Single-origin coffee is coffee grown within a single known geographic origin. Sometimes, this is a single farm or a specific collection of beans from a single country. The name of the coffee is then usually the place it was grown to whatever degree available.

Office 365

Sustainable agriculture is farming in sustainable ways based on an understanding of ecosystem services, the study of relationships between organisms and their environment. What grows where and how it is grown are a matter of choice and careful consideration for nature and communities.


Direct trade is a form of sourcing practiced by some coffee roasters. Advocates of direct trade practices promote direct communication and price negotiation between buyer and farmer, along with systems that encourage and incentivize quality.

Microsoft Exchange

We want to truly empower the communities that bring amazing coffee to you. That’s why we reinvest 20% of our profits into farms, local businesses and schools everywhere our coffee is grown. You can see the communities grow and learn more about coffee farming on our blog.